Thursday, January 26, 2012

A not so great gluten day

Today was a true test of my conviction to make this gluten free lifestyle a success.  I had a very, very, stressful day for a multitude of reasons.  And as with most of the women I know, I deal with stress in 2 ways. The first way is by working out. The second is by eating. Generally speaking I workout so that I can eat whatever I want.  What I want is usually something very unhealthy, like cake, or chips and dip. When I'm stressed I never go for an apple or carrots, or something that is whole and healthy and usually delicious. As I said, today was extremely stressful. On a scale from 1-10 it was probably a solid 7 or 8. My first step to combat this stress was a 2 hour workout. The endorphins really helped my mood. But as with any great high, it wore off....just in time for lunch. All I wanted for lunch was ANYTHING other than what we have in the house, I wanted carbs, and lots of them, as well as something sinfully sweet.  What did I settle on (after about an 1.5 hours of self talk)? Apples with peanut butter. I won't lie, it definitely did NOT hit the spot or do anything to settle my cravings for all the yummy, full of gluten, items that I wanted.  I now realize why it is that people told me I would lose 5 lbs in the first week of being gluten free. It's because in my very narrow gluten free world (only narrow because I don't really know what I am doing yet) there just aren't enough options to calm my cravings.  By 3:00 when I had retrieved Zane from school I had had eggs for breakfast, an apple and peanut butter for lunch, and a 2 hour workout.  For all you athletes out there, you know that this is not enough food.  For dinner I was determined to make a great meal. Last nights chicken nuggets left a lot to be desired.  I was on a mission tonight to make something that was earth moving.  Barbeque grilled chicken and oven roasted vegetables.  Holy guacamole it was AWFUL!!!!!  The veggies were soggy and tasted pretty bad. The chicken was OK, but dry. I had to bribe the boys to eat their chicken and we decided to ditch the veggies for some strawberries with confectioner sugar.  I'm feeling very defeated today. But I am happy to say that I stuck 100% to our gluten free ways.


Rachel said...

Good job! And I though no high fructose corn syrup was hard. I discovered it's in potatoe salad in the mayo...bummer.

Jacob said...

Kari, you are anything but defeated! You've walked into the unknown and are optimistic! You're OK with it being a bumpy road and are sharing the journey with the world. What a great way to do it! =)

Good luck! I'm looking forward to hearing more.


Anonymous said...

The first week is so challenging at first, but it gets better. You are right on track about how women react to stressful situtions; working out is ok, but when you crave certain foods, oh boy! Keep up the great job! You have a lot of us backing you up for support!

Ana L.

Kari said...

That goes back to how there are no short cuts to eating healthy, unfortunately.

Kari said...

thank you, jacob. This blog has given me a whole new world of supporters. I am so grateful for the kind words.

Kari said...

Ana Banana, you are my inspiration!!!!