Monday, January 23, 2012

The cause

5 days ago my son Zane's pediatrician told me that we needed to cut gluten from his diet.  I wasn't all that surprised by this news as Zane has a lot of sensory issues.  He is a brilliant, loving, little boy. That when off his schedule, or overwhelmed by his environment, turns into the devil himself.  He goes into a fit of rage that can last for hours.  No, he isn't ADHD, or Autistic, or anything like that.  He does have a medical issue where he doesn't produce serotonin. We treat that with homeopathic alternatives. This adds to his already over sensitive self, because once he "goes to the dark side" as I call it, it can take hours for him to come back. We have had every bio medical test you can imagine done on Zane.  That's how we found out about the serotonin.  And through allergy testing, we found out that he has a sensitivity, but not an allergy, to Gluten. Now from what his Dr told me, and what I have read recently. Even a sensitivity to Gluten can make a person seem crazy. I spent Weds, Thursday, and Friday of last week completely freaking out about this necessary and inevitable change.  I shopped Sprouts, a lot. Luck for me they were having 25% off all gluten free items.  I thought Kib, my husband, was going to flip when he saw the bills. He handled it with amazing grace. So there I was, shopping, reading, shopping some more, throwing out most of the food in my house, feeling like I was going to lose my mind. Half the time I felt like a horrible mother for not somehow knowing I should have made this change sooner, and the other half of the time feeling really great about myself for taking on this challenge.  So this is my experiment, and experience, in becoming a Gluten free house.

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