Saturday, April 20, 2013

14 months later

Clearly this blogging thing is not my forte, but I thought I would put up here what a wonderful experience our gluten free journey has been. We started all of this for Zane on the recommendation of his Dr and it has worked miracles. He is happier, calmer, healthier than ever, as are the rest of us. My husband went from having monthly sinus infections to only 1 in the last year. I no longer have the digestion issues that have plagued me since I was pregnant with my boys. And although when we started it seemed it would be impossible to find food happiness in this gluten filled world, we were surprised at how easy it has been. When we began the changes last year, it was almost impossible to find a place to eat out, that was the most miserable part, how inconvenient being gluten-free was. Now, almost all of our favorite restaraunts serve a gluten free option. We can now go out for burgers, pizza, mexican, chick-fil-a, and yes, even italian. There are so many gluten free options its mind boggling. We went from 2 bread choices, to 10 in the past year. So join the "fad" and feel the difference. I dare you.