Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My first "oh crap" gluten moment

I sent an email to Zane's teacher yesterday morning to let her know that we are now a gluten free house and to ask her to please let me know when her class was having any sort of birthday celebration so that I could make sure to send Zane with a gluten free treat. The last thing I want is for Zane to feel left out and to develop any kind of resentment about this new diet. (which, by the way, I am trying really hard not to make it seem like anything has changed. I'm pretty sure he isn't fooled). Thank goodness for technology and the ability for my phone to instantly tell me when "I've got mail" because at 1:00 Zane's teacher sent me an email telling me they were having cake balls for a birthday snack at 2:00. Ummm, yeah, I certainly didn't want to try and figure this out with an hours notice. There was no way I was making anything from scratch. So I grabbed Ryder, went flying out the door to Whole Foods, which although it's close, it's not close enough to warrant making a trip there for one item. But for the Love of Zane, I was doing it. Thank goodness for wonderful, smart, gluten free friends that had already shared some important information with me......Whole Foods has delicious gluten free cupcakes.  Sure enough, they had them, boring, yes, my choices were vanilla with vanilla frosting, or chocolate/chocolate.  I chose Vanilla and made it back to the school with about 3 minutes to spare.  The upside was that the cupcakes came in a pack of 4, so we all got to indulge in a cupcake.  The downside was that the cupcake really looked super boring and all the other kids had really cool ones.  So my lesson that I learned today was this....when in desperate need of a cupcake, buy the cupcakes from Whole foods, scrape the frosting off, and use the tub frosting (most of which is gluten free) put food coloring and some sprinkles on it and....TADA!!!!! You have yourself a cute (or in Zane's case "cool") cupcake for those special celebrations.


Colleen said...

When I was teaching first grade I had a similar situation with a student in my class. His mom made a tupperware container full of his special cupcakes, complete with season appropriate frosting, sprinkles . . . birthday ones etc. We put them in the faculty room freezer and ta da!! Birthdays, I would take one out in the am, let them thaw, and I had a happy mom and happy kid :)

sealed2mybff said...

Colleen, that's SO SMART! Kari, that's pretty crummy of the teacher to give you a one hour notice. Maybe talk to her about that...? I'm glad you were able to get him something, though! :-)